First lunar eclipse of 2022 will be visible in Michigan  Sunday night  >> 

If weather permits, Michigan is in for a celestial show late Sunday night during the first lunar eclipse of 2022.

The moon will begin to move into the Earth’s shadow at 10:27 p.m. Sunday.Then the total lunar eclipse will start an hour later at 11:29 p.m.Totality will last just under 90 minutes.

John French, program assistant with the Abrams Planetarium at Michigan State University, says the moon will take on a reddish color.

Not everyone will be able to catch a glimpse of the total lunar eclipse because it needs to be nighttime to see it, said Noah Petro, chief of NASA's Planetary Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Lab.

The total lunar eclipse will be visible in much of Africa, Europe and South America and most of North America

 Two lunar eclipses occur each year, and the next will be a total lunar eclipse in November, Petro said.
Then there will not be another total lunar eclipse until March 2025 

There will be seven more full moons in 2022,
June 14: Strawberry moon
July 13: Buck moon
August 11: Sturgeon moon
September10:Harvest moon
October 9: Hunter's moon November 8: Beaver moon
Dec 7: Cold moon

“That sunlight is hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, and the longer wavelengths of light, the red, get bent into the shadow,”  “Exactly how dark or light that is varies from one eclipse to another.”

Find an open area with a wide view of the sky. Make sure you have a chair or blanket so you can look straight up.
And give your eyes about 20 to 30 minutes .